We are at the start of week 2 in our Walktober Challenge and everyone is doing AWESOME! The recipe posts and blog comments have been great, keep it up!

The beginning of a wellness challenge is always fun – it’s something new to try, you get to work towards a goal, and it helps us get motivated towards improving our overall health. A healthy dose of motivation coupled with determination will get you almost anything in life. So how do you know if you’re genuinely motivated?

–          Motivation will tell you to get out of bed for an early workout.

–          Motivation will nag you to put down the doughnut.

–          Motivation makes passing on fries a reflex.

–          Motivation makes a sweat drenched workout exciting.

–          Motivation constantly reminds you why you do what you do.

If you’re finding yourself in a slump try looking at these motivators to get you back on track with your goal, no matter what they might be!

Self-Motivating Mind Trick #1: Pinpoint Your Motivator. 
Motivation stems from having a goal. What is your goal? Why do you want to get into great shape?

Once you uncover your personal motivator you’ll find that motivation flows quickly your way.

Take a minute to really uncover the reason that you want to lose the weight. Don’t say something vague like you want to ‘Be thinner‘ or ‘Look more attractive.‘ Dig deeper – there is a very specific motivator in your life, you simply need to uncover it.

Here are some possible motivators…

–          I want to have more energy to keep up with the kids.

–          I want to improve my health through weight loss to extend and improve my life.

–          I want to restore my confidence to wear sleeveless shirts or shorts.


Self-Motivating Mind Trick #2: Make It Official.
When you write something down it suddenly feels official, doesn’t it? Write down your motivator for getting into great shape, and post it where you will see it often—next to your alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, or in your car.

Each time you see your written motivator take a moment to visualize yourself accomplishing your goal. Try to make the scene as clear in your mind as possible. This is a powerful tool for maintaining your focus and direction.

Self-Motivating Mind Trick #3: Be Practical.
It’s game plan time. You know what you want, and now you need to map out exactly how you’ll achieve it. It is important to be practical in your planning, rather than throwing out ideas that you know you won’t stick with.

Plan a routine that will fit into your schedule and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Also choose an exercise program that you enjoy—don’t force yourself to jog everyday if you hate jogging.

Self-Motivating Mind Trick #4: Call for Backup. 
Enlist the support of your friends, family and co-workers. Tell everyone about your goal to lose weight and get fit, you’ll be surprised how supportive most people will be. By being open about your goals you’ll likely be an encouragement to others to make healthy changes in their own lives.

What are some things that motivate you? What practices do you have in place in order to stay on track with reaching your goal?