Keep the Holiday Pounds Down

Seasonal weight gain is an average of 5-7 pounds in the winter. It  is much harder to lose the weight, than to prevent the gain. Here are some tips to help to avoid packing on the pounds over the winter months.

  • The cold, snowy winter weather makes you more likely to crave warm comfort food. Indulge cravings in moderation. Comfort foods such as pastries tend to be higher in calories.
  • Veggies, veggies and more veggies. Cooked or raw, the fiber in them will help to decrease hunger, making unhealthy snacking less likely. Vegetables also have vitamins and minerals that strengthen your immune system and keep you from getting sick. Sneak veggies into your favorite dishes. One way to accomplish this is to add in pureed veggies.
  • Never go to a party hungry. Use high fiber fruits or vegetables to help fill you up to decrease your intake at parties.
  • Beverages. Opt for hot tea instead of hot chocolate to sip on. Liquid calories also can lead to weight gain. Avoid alcohol, also due to the liquid calories. Try to drink water before and after alcoholic drinks to help pace yourself, dilute the calories and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Move more. Keep up with regular exercise. A regular schedule helps to encourage you to continue. If you do not enjoy outdoor winter activities such as snowshoeing, skiing or snowboarding, there is still plenty that can be done indoors. The Fitness centers at Grande Health and Wellness Centers as well as other gyms offer a variety of activities for exercise options to keep you active in the winter. Strive for exercise 3 times a week to burn calories, tone muscles and prevent illness.
  • Cutting down on screen time will decrease mindless eating and help encourage you to get moving.
  • Watch what you wear. Those baggy clothes, sweatshirts and sweatpants, can be awful comfy in the winter, but they also encourage lounging.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep. When your sleep is decreased, you are more likely to give into junk food. The pre-frontal cortex of the brain, which is responsible for self-control, is compromised by sleep loss.

Keep these tips in mind to avoid adding additional winter “padding” that you would have to lose.


5 of the Healthiest Winter Foods


  • Pomegranates are full of antioxidants that help with “bad” LDL cholesterol and increases blood flow to the heart.
  • Dark leafy greens are full of Vitamin A, C, K and folates.
  • Citrus is full of Vitamin C, and flavonoids that boost “good” HDL cholesterol, while decreasing triglycerides and “bad” LDL cholesterol.
  • Potatoes give you an immunity boosts from Vitamin C & B6, folate, and fiber. Purple potatoes have added antioxidants.
  • Winter Squash are full of vitamin A, C, B6 & K, potassium & folate.

