If you’re a smoker, quitting is the most important step you can take to improve your health and the health of your loved ones. Smoking causes immediate damage to your body and it threatens your future with increased risks for cancer, heart attack, lung disease, and early death. However, the damage from tobacco use can be reversed.  It is never too late to quit!  For example, within 20 minutes of quitting your blood pressure drops to normal. Within a month, your lung function improves; and by 1 year, your risk of heart disease is reduced by 50%! 

Quitting will also improve your appearance: Your skin will look healthier, and your skin and nails will not be stained. Your food will taste better. Your clothes, car, and home will smell better. You will have more energy, and you will save money!


Five Ways to Get Ready to Quit Smoking

We all know that quitting can be hard, but help is available.  A good plan can help you get past symptoms of withdrawal.  These five steps can help:

  1. Set a quit date. Choose the Great American Smokeout or another quit day in November.
  2. Tell your family and friends you plan to quit. Share your quit date with the important people in your life and ask for support. A daily e-mail, text message, or phone call can help you stay on course and provide moral support. Plan a smoke free lunch date or game night to distract yourself.
  3. Anticipate and plan for challenges. The urge to smoke is short—usually only 3 to 5 minutes. Surprised? Those moments can feel intense. Before your quit day, write down healthy ways to cope. Even one puff can feed a craving and make it stronger. Healthy choices include:
  • Drinking water
  • Taking a walk or climbing the stairs
  • Listening to a favorite song or playing a game
  • Calling or texting a friend
  1. Remove cigarettes and other tobacco from your home, car, and workplace. Throw away your cigarettes, matches, lighters, and ashtrays. Clean and freshen your car, home, and workplace. Old cigarette odors can cause cravings.
  2. Talk to the Grande Clinic staff, or your provider, about quit options. Using medications can double your chances of quitting for good. They help reduce your tobacco cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Medication options include the nicotine replacement products: patch, gum, lozenge, etc. As well as oral medications, Zyban and Chantix.  Your Grande health insurance covers the cost of counseling, as well as the cost of all prescription and non-prescription drugs!

It is hard to quit smoking, but with a plan you can do it!  We are here to help you.  Call the Grande Clinic at 920-907-3922 for an appointment to develop your personal quit plan.