Did You Know?

October Health & Wellness Center Story of the Month

1. Antibiotics are unable to treat influenza because it is a virus.

2. Influenza vaccines (injectable version) absolutely CANNOT give you the flu.

3. Influenza can KILL infants, elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

4. The flu is a MISERABLE illness with symptoms including sore throat, body aches, high fevers, and terrible cough that can last a week or longer.

5. Vaccination is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT for those with heart disease, diabetes, asthma and other health disorders, smoking history, and morbid obesity due to HIGHER RISK of complications.

6. The flu vaccine, good hand washing, and coughing into your elbow rather than your hands are the best tools to prevent the spread of the illness.


*Flu shots are now available in the Health & Wellness clinics. Schedule your appointment by calling 920-907-3922 or 855-289-7517.